Thursday, April 25, 2013

Resolve Foaming Cleaner

Overall Rating: 4 stars out of 5

So, my dog is completely house broke, but every since she has had her puppies, she's been having a lot of problems holding in her bowels and she has not been waking us up as she usually does. So, the other morning we woke up to a terrible mess around the house. We do not own a carpet cleaner, and we did not have the extra cash to rent a rug doctor-which does an amazing job by the way. So we immediately headed to the store a few blocks away to get a foaming style carpet cleaner. We debated what to get, 409, Great Value Brand, or Resolve. We decided to go for Resolve, I have used them in the past and they seem to do well. We also did an impulse buy because Resolve also has this handled scrub brush that sprays the foam into the carpet with the pull of a trigger. It sounded a lot cleaner and easier than scrubbing with a towel so we decided to give it a try.

We got home and my husband started on our breakfast while I started spraying the spots. Following the directions on the bottle, I let it set for a few minutes before scrubbing. It was pretty hearty hard labor, so while my husband was melting at the stove, I was singing "It's a Hard Knock Life." I was actually pretty impressed. There are a couple of spots that did not come up all the way, but for the most part you cannot tell the spots were even there. So props to the makers of Resolve for giving me a product that helps me clean well.

Now, here is the negative that I noticed from the Resolve. I had to do a lot of scrubbing to get every bit of the spots up, no big deal physical labor of a house wife is never done (plus strait men just do not clean as well as a woman). But I noticed walking around today that it left my carpet hard and stuck together. So I'm thinking about using a wet towel to go back over those areas to pick up what I guess was left behind. 

Resolve did not ask me to write this, by the way. This is just my own review on a product that I used and mostly liked.

Money Saving Stain Remover Tips:

 Something we came across during our search for the best answer were a couple of inexpensive tricks we were going to try next if the Resolve did not work. One of them I have heard of before and the other I had not. 
  • For urine, put salt on it and wait a few minutes before vacuuming it up. The salt absorbs the urine and the smell. This one I have heard of before, not sure how it works or not. If anyone has ever tried this, let me know how it works!
  • For stains, of any kind, mix some baking soda and vinegar together until it is a paste. Put it onto the stain and then wait until it dries. When it is dry, simply vacuum it up. I had not heard this one before, but sounds legit. If you have ever tried this, comment and let me know.

Well, there you have it, my review on Resolve Foaming Carpet Cleaner and a few alternative inexpensive methods. Please comment below if you have tried any of the above methods and what you thought and any others that you may know of.

1 comment:

  1. These type of cleaners are very effective and affordable too.. Even I use similar cleaner to clean the oven and often hire professional Oven Cleaners brisbane and Oven Cleaning gold coast services.
